Source code for sqla_filters.tree.tree

"""Tree module.

These class are used to represent the filters to apply to a query.
from sqlalchemy.orm.query import Query

from sqla_filters.nodes.base import TreeNode

[docs]class SqlaFilterTree(object): """Class SqlaFilterTree. When you acces the parser.tree an instance of the class is returned. From the class you can access the root element and filter a sqlalchemy query. """ def __init__(self, root: TreeNode) -> None: self._root = root @property def root(self) -> TreeNode: return self._root def filter(self, query: Query): entity = query.column_descriptions[0]['type'] new_query, filters = self._root.filter(query, entity) return new_query.filter(filters) def __str__(self) -> str: """Return a representation of the tree.""" def str_tree(element: TreeNode, depth: int, f_str: str): alg = ' ' f_str += '{}- {}\n'.format(alg * depth if depth else '', element) for child in element.childs: f_str += str_tree(child, depth + 1, '') return f_str if self.root: final_str = 'SqlaFilterTree with following nodes:\n' final_str += str_tree(self.root, 0, '') else: final_str = 'Tree is empty.' return final_str